Planning gain info

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Unfortunately, many people have the opinion that getting planning permission is similar to a dark art and very mysterious.

Indeed, many people do make a mess of it, but people in the know have been quietly working under the radar, getting planning permission on sites, and then selling on, pocketing the profits.

So why would you not want to become involved in this profitable business ? The only reason would be a lack of confidence and knowledge.

Why Now Is The Best Time To Start…

There has have never been more opportunities to develop than now. Governments want more houses to be built.

Boris Johnson said of the planning system:

The whole thing is beginning to crumble and the time has come to…. Tear it down and start again.


Well, that has nor happened yet, but regardless which government is in power, they would all want to see more houses built,

The government has issued White papers, Consultation papers, Impact assessments, Use Classes and Permitted Development changes. So this is an evolving ever changing space, that you need support in to find the best opportunities and navigate this area successfully.

The policy for new houses is the opposite of what is happening in the Buy to Let and HMO market, where profitability is declining, because of increased government taxation, competition, and the ever-growing regulatory burden. Scarcely a month goes by without some new regulation coming into force.

So which market would you prefer to be in ?


Why Timing Is Important

The Buy to Let market boomed between 1997 – 2007, and the office to residential market took off in 2013, and  the HMO market was boomed around 2016. These were all periods of huge growth when government policy supported these activities and profits were high.

If you were involved in those markets then, it was easy to build a portfolio and make good money. Now, how times have changed in those markets. You definitely had first-movers advantage then.

Now the government, for political reasons, is discouraging the Buy To Let and HMO market, and everyone knows about office to residential conversions, so the profit is much lower.

So now there good opportunities in providing much needed homes for people.  The demand for houses is not going away…. Plus I am sure, with more changes to come.

I am not saying that you cannot make money in the Buy to Let market, just that it’s not as easy or profitable as it once was, and it is also a slow burn affair

Are you going to focus on the Buy To Let market, or are you going to take advantage of the massive opportunities in getting planning ?


Buy to lets, HMO’s         – More regulation, taxes, = less profit

Planning gain                   – Less regulation, more opportunities =  more profit

Which one would you choose ?

I am focusing on these opportunities, and can teach you how to as well

Start Small…

You don’t need lots of capital to start. There are 2 ways you can start now with limited capital:

  • Source properties and be paid fees.  A £1-2 million site would give you a lot of commission at 2%.  Plus, I will show you  how you can increase those fees…

  • Control a site via an option agreement without having to buy the site, and split the profit with the owner.

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