Course benefits

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1 A Supportive Group

Group learning is always more fun when you study with other talented people, who are eager to succeed, and together can lift and support each other. Working in a small group, you will learn faster, remember more, and learn from each other as well as from me. Learn from people who are on the same journey as you, surround yourself with successful people.

2 It’s Tough Doing It Alone

Studies have shown that people working alone are not as motivated or disciplined, and fail more than those who work in groups of people who are at same level as them.

You will be collaborating with other serious people, and you’re much more likely to succeed working in a team, than if you work alone. This is especially true for the first year. Working together, we can achieve more. That reminds me of a cheesy acronym I once saw in a sports hall:  T.E.A.M – Together Everyone Achieves More. But it just happens to be true.

3 Partnerships

I encourage my students to form partnerships with each other, and hold each other accountable, especially when starting up. That doesn’t mean of course

that you can’t do it on your own, but these days with all the collaborative tools we have, it is easier to work together with people even if you don’t live close to them.

Some students will have access to funds, and can J V with other students perhaps who have less funds, but maybe more time or different skill sets.

Learning with others, working together, forming partnerships, will accelerate your success and make it certain. There is a lot of power and synergy in working together, and you would struggle to find such individuals in a normal networking group.

4 Encouragement

Boost your chances of success……  With the monthly webinar’s and 1-2-1 personal meetings with me, you will get lots of encouragement.

Who are you accountable to ? Your family ? Your friends ?  You will find if they don’t understand your business, they will not be able to help you that much. They may even think what you’re doing is crazy or too risky, this is quite common. They say if you want encouragement then don’t go down to the pub, and ask for advice there, because all you’ll get is people telling you it can’t be done.

Every month the students will say what they are going to achieve, and the group will hold them accountable for achieving it.

5 You need teaching from experts, not armchair teachers

My experience over many decades means I am qualified to teach. Plus, I have an honours degree in development from the best real estate university in the UK.

I get to know my students very well and can help them accordingly. I have an ability to teach clearly, and do not over teach, or drag out areas of less importance.

6 Increase Your Contacts

The course does provide opportunities to form friendships and increase your contacts. I expect many joint ventures will come out of this training.

The more effort you make, the better you will do. A famous saying is

Your Network Is Your Net Worth 

If you want to succeed, you need to know others who are also successful in property.

7 Get access to a first-class professional team of consultants

It can take a long time to build your own team and be expensive, this accelerates your progress and avoid costly mistakes. Our consultants are very good value for money and are the best we have found.

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