Are you suitable ?

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Course Suitability

Is This Course For You ?

Check Out This List…

I only want people to join the course if you are a good fit for it. Please review this list and if you think you are a good fit, please book the course and arrange a discovery session by contacting me.

  • You love the excitement of finding property deals and making them work

  • You are fed up with the low returns from Buy to Lets and want the higher returns from planning gain

  • You want to get into development but don’t know where to start, and lack the knowledge and experience

  • You have some experience of property investing and maybe commercial but want to go to the next level

  • You feel the need to be properly trained so you don’t make amateur mistakes

  • Want to have someone to be there to advise you when doing your first deal

  • You hate the onslaught on Buy to Let investments by government, and the increasing taxation and regulations – which are only going to get worse

  • You do not want to get involved in construction – so sell your sites, take the profits and leave the building to others

  • You enjoy working with other people rather than going it alone



Are You Eligible To Join ?

  • Must Be a Positive Enthusiastic Self Starter

  • Be Willing to Work As a Team Member And Contribute To the Team’s Success

  • Be Able to Make the Time to Attend the Course One Day a Month And Sometimes Two Days A Month

  • Would like to Joint-Venture Other Team Members  Or Me

  • Understand That To Succeed in This Business You Need to Be Trained by a Professional With Many Years’ Experience Of Successful Projects

  • Is Quite Comfortable with the Thought of Making Hundreds of Thousands of Pounds From One Project

  • Recognise That This Is Not a Get Rich Scheme And It Will Take Effort And Perseverance

  • Preferably Has Some Existing Property Experience. If Not Recognise That Your Journey Will Be Slower Than Those Who Already Have Some Experience

  • Understand That I Have Accumulated My Knowledge Over A Long Period of Time And For The First Year You Will Need My Guidance To Make the Most of Your Opportunities.



Competitors Courses Available to You

There are lots of property training programs teaching people how to start their property investing, and they mainly focus on the Buy to Let, and HMO markets, and its variants like Rent-to-Rent et cetera. These trainings do have their place and there are some good ones around. The trouble is, many of them are expensive for what they are, and you can easily pay £10,000 – 20,000 for basic training.

However, there are only a  few people teaching the advanced skills of planning gain, or land value uplift as it is sometimes called. For these courses you would pay £25,000 – £40,000. While this seems expensive, even these competitors course fees are reasonably when you consider the profits from just one deal.  The ones I know about are quite good. If you want to know the names of alternative courses, I am happy to tell you, just give me a call.

So this program is amazing value at a fraction of those prices, and I have been told by some that my course is better than the more expensive ones !

I am very passionate about adding value to my student’s life, and really care about them and their progress. I do not believe in the teach and forget model. Indeed, the whole course is designed around engagement and becoming a team, and hopefully you will do some deals together with other students.

You will have to look a long time for a better + cheaper course. If fact I guarantee that you can’t find a better value course. If you can I will refund the difference.  Not only is it better value, but I believe it is taught in a better way, with smaller groups of people. So, I can give more personal attention to students, to ensure you apply the knowledge you learn.

I present information in an easy-to-understand way, and have created a system that anyone can follow. If you follow the system, you will be successful.

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