Types of opportunities

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New Homes.

All governments want to build more new homes, it is a political hot potato, and people like you can get involved – but you need training.

They want to encourage smaller developers to get out there and start trading. I don’t know of any other industry where the cost of entry is  small relative to the potential profits. Immigration, smaller households, net zero, all contribute to an under supply of quality housing. This under supply is unlikely to reduce soon.


Repurposing Commercial Buildings

The government has released a raft of new permitted development rights for commercial buildings which allows for conversion to residential homes.

Not many people understand these new permitted development regulations for commercial buildings, or know the full extent of how to apply them. And many do not  understand how to value an empty unused commercial building so consequently there are some real bargains out there in the commercial market

It will take years for people to feel comfortable with the new planning laws. Consequently, there will be many First Mover opportunities.

The problem with the new PD rights is that many people think they are like the old PD rights, but they are not. They are like lite planning applications which means there are many pitfalls.  So, getting planning on them is not as easy as people think, and all the course content  I teach on getting a full planning application absolutely applies to getting the new PD rights.

The trouble is, for you to get involved in this, you need to be trained to know how to do it, and that is where I come in, by offering very good value training to serious entrepreneurs who want to make the most of these opportunities that are in front of us now. It is not as difficult as you think…

An advantage is that many of the commercial buildings are affordable for smaller investors, so you can start with smaller projects.

This is a big opportunity now for smaller developers


How To Find Off Market Sites

You will learn how to find  your own sites with potential to get planning, that are not being sold as development sites. This means you will not overpay for sites.  I regularly witness first-hand, people making basic elementary mistakes that cost them dearly, and I am talking about a lot of money.

They either pay too much for sites with planning, or fail to get planning on sites, because they don’t know what they are doing. No more will you have to overpay for sites with planning. Learn how to find your own.

People in the know make big profits on the smaller sites, and if you know where to look, you can do it yourself. It is not that difficult when you know the secrets that have been holding you back.

The UK needs more houses, everyone knows that, and you can be involved in a high demand, ethical business and contribute to solving the housing crisis !  For a relatively small outlay, you can get world class training, and learn in a matter of months, what took me decades…

There is huge demand for skilled people, part or full time, who can find these kinds of opportunities. Have you ever driven past a site and wondered what you could do with it? Only to see it developed later on by someone else?

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