Why we are different

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What Is Unique about Our Course
that you won’t get elsewhere !

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This course is very specialised, and we want you to get the best from it, so we have included some things that make it stand out.

  • Best Value

I believe this is the best value course on the market today. My mission is to train a few select students, not to offer a mass market training programme, which means students get more attention.

My main job is not running a training company, and it never will be. My day job is finding sites, getting planning and repeating the process.

  • Our Systems

We offer a unique proven SYSTEM – Called FANSS, which is check list based, which enables anyone to find and select sites that will get planning, it’s like painting by numbers.

  • Access to our appraisal programme

Use our bespoke programme to quickly appraise sites.

  • Access to Capital

We have access to capital for the right deals.

  • Use our track record to get your deals across the line

It can be tough starting out, when people want to know what experience you have before they do business with you, no matter how much you know. Track records matter. Once we have trained you, you can use our credibility, so that landowners would feel comfortable doing business with you.

  • Our 1-2-1 mentoring

Not many courses spend time with you outside the classroom. We do.

  • Full access to support after the course is finished

Support for your deals and to help you secure your first deal. We  dislike the ‘teach and forget’ model.



Our Guarantees

  • We guarantee this is the best value course you will find. If you find a better value course, we will refund the difference

  • We guarantee that if you follow the system, you will find profitable sites. And we will work with you until you do.  No one else offers that

  • We will support you until you find your first deal. Priceless.

This course is based on teach and do, not teach and forget

  • We guarantee that you can repeat any module you like, if you don’t get it the first time for no extra cost

  • We guarantee we will give you 1-2-1 tuition on any area you want help with, for free

  • We guarantee we will help you negotiate with landowners on your first deal, which is worth more than the course fees

  • We guarantee that there is support where you can show deals to us and we will help you to evaluate them and avoid any mistakes. Our daily rate for outside clients is expensive.



Our Bonuses

1   Access to updated town planning changes, with commentary. Value £££. This is important given all the changes coming out

2   Spouse / Partner bonus. Access to attend one day of training selected by you for free. Value £800

3   Invitations to attend private viewings of current developments for two years. These are educational and designed to boost knowledge, where we go through what we are doing and why. Value £££

4 Access to our bespoke development spreadsheet programme. Value £2000 +

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